Ayrshire is a beautiful part of the west coast of Scotland and the town of Ayr is located about 30 miles south of Glasgow. It has many places of interest and beauty none the least of which is “Burns’ country” named after our famous poet Robert Burns. It is in this area where some of our members reside and our main activities are held.
Ayr & District Beekeepers Association has been in existence since about 1917 and is comprised predominantly of beekeepers residing in South, East an North Ayrshire.
In 2018 we became a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation and are now registered with OSCR.
We recently tried to compile a full history of the association as part of our centenary celebration, the full history can be read on our history page.
Ayr & District Beekeepers Association is affiliated to the Scottish Beekeepers Association and enjoys all the benefits of the Scottish Beekeepers Association (see links to website). These benefits vary from beekeeping and disease education, insurance, practical guidance, book and video library, etc.
There are about 70 members in the Ayr & District Beekeepers Association who are all amateur beekeepers with apiaries ranging from one or two hives to others with dozens of hives. We vary in age and experience from the very young to the not so young and from just months of experience to many years. For details of joining the association please see our membership page.